New Life Baptist Church is a Biblical based Body of Christian Believers who praise and worship God!
We are a Biblically-based, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused people who are committed to
“Building up Believers; Leading the Lost; Aiding the Afflicted; and Glorifying God”
with our doors and hearts open to all, the seeking and the saved!
We are not a perfect Church, but we are a prayer-FULL and prayer-FILLED Church, and we believe that your visit to our website was pre-ordained by our “Gracious, Loving and Merciful God” whose desire is for YOU to be connected with a local Church.
Our journey of faith began in the summer of 1997, with God guiding us to the Spring Valley Community in 2001. Our desire is to be a Church without walls; a unified congregation of believers who are focused on the powerful proclamation of the “The Gospel of the Resurrected Christ,” and working together as ONE to fulfill “The Great Commission” and “The Great Commandment” of the Church!
The aid of the Holy Spirit
Pastoral Leadership
Christian Education
Youth and Young Adult Programs
Spiritual and Uplifting Worship Services
Organized Ministries
General Membership
We Provide:
Christian Training
Spiritual Guidance
Community Evangelism and Outreach
Warm Fellowship